
Service is something which we find very important. If you have questions about our products, our company or any other question related to who we are and what we do you can always contact us.


Double Dutch give warranty on damage due to manufacturing failures. Legal explanation you find in our trade terms which you can request for at your local dealer or directly from us.
This is how it works.  If you have a warranty problem you contact us by email with the following information:

  1. Date of purchase
  2. Product serial number
  3. Pictures of damage/breakage
  4. Explanation under what circumstance damage created

After we received the requested information we will inform you of our judgment.  In certain cases it might be necessary for us to receive the product for inspection and final judgment. In case we judge the damage as a manufacturing failure we will replace the product *free of charge.  All warranty claimed/replaced goods must be returned to us. * We must have receive all requested information before we start a warranty procedure.

Damage caused by incorrect use, abuse or any other damage occurred in any other way than what the product is made for will not be accepted for warranty. Paddling on white water, in competitions increases the risk of damage due to excessive forces to the product. Our paddles are made for specific use, and to last and withstand the water forces they are meant and made for.  White water paddles hitting rocks, river bottoms , extreme/exessive  forces are in all cases excluded for warranty. This is considered a personal risk for buyer and is a risk of the game/activity which producer can not be healt responsible for.  Our paddles are made with care and quality checked during production, and before is sold to our dealers and customers. Warranty is only valid in case a production failure is proven.
Sup paddle shafts have bigger risk of breaking due to the length. Breakage of shafts is excluded for warranty at all time unless is proven to be a manufacturing failure. 

Bank references

All payments should be done to the below mentioned account. Please always mention invoice number and customer ref. with all payment.
Payment by credit card / Paypal can be additionally charged depending on the amount and type of product. We do not accept cheques.

Company name:

I-BAN number
NL83 RABO 0129 3702 74

BIC address
Rabobank, Nuenen

BIC  code

REG. #
Eindhoven, NL 62268406




Supr Paddles / DD-Sports

De Sleutel 6
5652 AS Eindhoven
The Netherlands

The Netherlands

+31 40 285 55 05


All our services are subject to our General Terms and Conditions. 


Delivery costs will be charged on all orders.

Damage insurance

Damage caused in shipment is at risk of buyer.
Insurance can be purchesed for a fee of € 6.75 per paddle/item.
We advise you to check the parcel upon arival for damages.   In order to make use of the Insurance it is obliged to check the parcel and products packed inside the parcel upon arival. In case of any damage it must be notified to the delivery serive
( driver ) immediatly. Make pictures of the damages and notify us within 24 hours with an explanation of the damage and pitcutes of the damage.

Quick replacement service

We will make sure you receive replacement products as soon as possible. Before we can send you the replacements the damaged product(s) have been shipped back to us.
If you received a damaged product please fill our our  INSURANCE form.

Delivery / Shipment

Paddles will be delivered un-assembled. This is to avoid extremely high shipping cost.
Shipping companies calculate the cost for a parcel by the volume of the box, not by the actual weight.
A paddle in parts is up to 60%  smaller than a fully assembled paddle.
On request we can make a quote for shipping cost of a fully assembled paddle(s).